



无数人的幸福受到威胁, 可以理解,bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全行业处于技术开发的前沿. 研究人员一直在寻找拯救生命的新方法, 改善患者预后, and help healthcare facilities run more efficiently—and one of the biggest breakthroughs in recent 历史 is the progression of artificial intelligence (AI).

人工智能已经成为bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载生活中比大多数人意识到的更大的一部分. 一个 研究 showed that while only one in three people were comfortable with the idea of engaging with artificial intelligence, 其中84%的人每天都在不知不觉中使用某种形式的人工智能.

随着科技的不断发展, 人工智能有望在病人护理和整个医疗领域取得重大突破. 让bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载进一步探讨人工智能及其在护理和bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全领域日益重要的作用.

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人工智能无法取代同情心, 本能, 经验丰富的护士的沟通技巧, 尽管在不久的将来,人工智能工具可能会成为他们日常生活中更重要的一部分. bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全领域的人工智能有可能造福患者, 供应商, 通过简化某些流程并提供重要的新见解来改善护理设施.

当很多人想到人工智能时, 他们想象着他们在科幻电影中看到的反乌托邦的描述. 然而, AI is currently much closer to a superpowered data processor than a sentient being that can solve complex problems. 人工智能依靠大量的数据输入来进行分析和识别模式, 这使得它成为bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全等数据驱动领域的理想选择.

在医学领域, 许多人工智能的例子可以更准确地描述为增强智能, 因为它的主要作用是帮助训练有素的人类提供者做出更明智的选择. 通过分析各种来源的数据, 人工智能可以帮助护士在工作的许多方面变得更加高效.


人工智能已经在护理和医学领域得到应用, 从诊断和决策到分诊和病人监测,无处不在. 随着健康数据变得更加稳健,人工智能平台变得更加强大和可访问, 它们将在病人护理中发挥越来越重要的作用. 让bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载来看看人工智能已经对护士和病人产生影响的一些方式.


从预约预约到管理处方,再到更新电子健康记录(EHRs), 护理工作中有大量的行政工作. 一个研究 研究 显示护士至少花25%的时间在文件上, 一些护士报告的比例高达41%.

Using AI to automate or streamlining more of these administrative tasks can give nurses more time and mental energy to focus on their patients. AI-assisted voice recognition and language processing technology can help nurses save significant amounts of time on documentation and reduce the inevitable inaccuracies that arise when making manual entries.


因为它能够如此高效地处理大量数据, 人工智能工具可以提供护士, 医生, 以及其他基于每位患者健康史的医疗服务提供者, 生理学, 甚至是基因. 在许多情况下,这些信息可以导致更早的发现和更准确的诊断. It can also help nurses decide on an appropriate course of action if a patient’s condition takes a turn for the worse.

然而,在做出复杂的临床决策时,人工智能也有其局限性. 它无法理解同理心或道德, 这两者都是病人护理的关键方面. 人工智能也可以忽略罕见或复杂的病例, 因为它通常被训练为找出任何给定问题的最常见解决方案. 即使人工智能平台已经变得如此强大, 经验丰富的护士的直觉和批判性思维能力是无可替代的.



人工智能技术正在改变护士监控病人安全的方式. 通过处理电子病历中的患者数据, 可穿戴式传感器, 或者智能监控设备, AI platforms can help identify potential complications and ensure nurses are ready to react to any adverse events.

人工智能辅助病人监护技术已经在整个医疗行业得到应用. 如果你的智能手表或智能手机上有运动追踪或碰撞检测功能, 你用的是类似的东西! 它可以提醒护士注意生命体征的变化, 预测病人摔倒的可能性, 并发现潜在感染或其他问题的迹象. 预测性人工智能还可以使用健康数据来识别每个患者的独特风险, 使护士能够提供更个性化的治疗.


那些想要积极参与自己护理的患者 更好的健康结果, and artificial intelligence has the potential to keep patients engaged by ensuring they can access the health information they need. 人工智能聊天机器人和虚拟助手可以全天候使用, 并根据每位患者的健康数据提供个性化的教育材料, 历史, 和偏好.

许多健康问题经常出现在患者中, and getting an instant response instead of having to wait until their provider’s office opens can relieve a lot of anxiety. AI-assisted apps and devices can also help patients stick with their treatment plans by offering reminders for medications or other home-care treatments. 通过帮助病人了解他们的健康状况,并根据他们的需要提供建议, 人工智能可以鼓励患者继续从事自己的治疗.


护士当然不会因为人工智能而失去工作, learning how to use AI healthcare technologies will be an important part of keeping their skills current. Nursing education programs will need to adapt their curriculum to reflect rapidly evolving healthcare technology. 类似的, healthcare organizations and employers will need to prioritize professional development programs to help their people make the transition to using more AI-based tools.

在大型组织中实现任何新技术都是一个挑战, 人工智能可能是一个两极分化的话题. 一些护士可能会犹豫是否接受人工智能在bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全领域的日益普及, whether it’s due to underlying concerns about job security or simply a reluctance to change the way they’ve been working. 然而, 护理领域的人工智能有可能大大提高护士的工作能力, 训练有素的护士提供的病人护理中,没有什么可以取代人的因素.


人工智能在护理领域的持续应用将采取多种不同的形式. 随着bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载不断寻找收集和分析患者数据的新方法, we’ll be able to train AI platforms to make better use of health information to aid nurses in caring for their patients.

在不久的将来, nurses will almost certainly see a significant increase in voice-assisted technology to streamline patient documentation. 基于人工智能的机器人也可用于药物管理或协助某些程序. Nurses are also likely to see an increase in AI-assisted diagnostic methods that are less invasive to patients than current methods like biopsies.

随着人工智能医疗技术的不断发展, avoiding potential biases in data or algorithms must be a priority for product developers and programmers. 类似的, gathering input from the nurses who use AI applications in the real world will be essential to making them as useful—and ethical—as they can be.



AI is all but certain to transform healthcare—in ways we currently expect and likely several more that we don’t. 实现正确, 它有机会帮助护士和医生提供更公平和有效的护理. Providers who can find the balance between embracing new technology and maintaining a human touch will be able to thrive as artificial intelligence becomes increasingly commonplace in healthcare.

随着人工智能和医疗技术的不断进步, aspiring nurses will benefit from a nursing education program that’s in touch with the latest advancements. 的 护理学学士学位 at 普洛佛大学 offers an up-to-date curriculum designed to prepare you for a successful career in modern healthcare facilities.

你将从有多年临床经验的护士那里学习, 并建立动手技能在bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的沉浸式模拟实验室. 还因为bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载与领先的医疗机构建立了合作关系, you’ll have opportunities to train on some of the latest treatments and technologies during your clinical rotations.

想了解更多关于注册护士的潜在机会吗? 请查看bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载在16日的文章 收入最高的护理工作,或深入了解bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的分步指南 如何成为注册护士.